Basset Hound Club of America National Speciality
October 10th through the 17th, 2025
Purina Farms, Grey's Summit, MO

My wife, Mary Ann and I purchased our first show dog in 1987. We joined BHCA in 1988. As owner-handlers and breeder-owner-handlers we have enjoyed presenting dogs in confirmation for 37 years plus. Our dog world accomplishments include All Breed Best in Show, Multiple Group One placements and Group placements, MBISS. Our BHCA National wins have included WD, WD BOW, WB, BOS x2, Select Bitch, Multiple Awards of Merit, Best in Sweeps, Best Senior in Sweeps, Best Veteran in Sweeps, Best in Futurity, Best in Maturity. I have Judged Sweepstakes for Kentuckian and Mid-South BHCs’. But, most significant, we have made lifelong friends that have contributed to our journey and made it fun and rewarding along the way.

I first served BHCA on the Board of Directors in 1995 and went on to serve through 1998 in that role. I was Second Vice President in 1999. I have enjoyed assisting with club activities and served on various committees from Grounds to Chairing Nominating Committees. Most recently I served as BHCA President 2012 & 2013.

We have been privileged to have our Kennel “Bassets of Birnam” covered in Basset Hound publications by Robert E. Booth and Randolph W. Frederiksen.

Professionally I am a pharmacy school graduate of Auburn University. After pharmacy school I earned a Masters Degree in management. I became a Pharmacy Director in 1981 and continued in management leading to retirement from my role as VP and Executive Director of Regional Pharmacy Services for Sacred Heart Health System, Pensacola Florida.

I am honored to be selected by my BHCA peers to Judge the Nationals Sweepstakes 2025.Many members of BHCA have been my mentors, inspiration, educators and friends over the past 37 years. Having invested many years in the breed, I feel it is everyone's duty to contribute where they will. The BHCA gives us the venue to learn, foster and express our appreciation for the breed and the people that make being part of the membership a rewarding experience for us all.

Thank you.

Norman (Norm) Wiginton

Norman Wiginton