Basset Hound Club of America National Speciality
October 10th through the 17th, 2025
Purina Farms, Grey's Summit, MO
It is an honor to judge Best of Breed at this year’s Nationals.
I would like to thank the BHCA membership for this privilege.
Sharon and I have had bassets in our lives since 1983. We purchased our first basset (Bogie) on a cold snowy day. Three years later we purchased our 2 nd basset (Bacall). We lost Bogie when he was 12 ½ and a few months later we lost Bacall. After a few months of not having a basset in the house, we started looking for another. We didn’t start out looking for a show puppy, but we knew we wanted a basset from a reputable breeder. In 1996, Augie came into our lives.
We went to training classes and learned how to show. Augie finished at 13 months. We developed a friendship with his breeder, Harriet Richman, and acquired his littermate Roses when she was a year old. Roses finished very
quickly and had only one litter. But from that single litter, BoBac Bassets was born. We have bred over 70 champions and titled dogs, most of which were owner handled.
Quickly after acquiring Augie, we joined the BHCA in 1996 and both local basset hound clubs. I served in various board positions of both the Dal-Tex Basset Hound Club and the Basset Hound Club of Greater Fort Worth. I am currently Corresponding Secretary of the Fort Worth Club. I was Coordinator for the 2008
BHCA Nationals held in Texas and Co-Coordinator and Show Chairman for the 2019 Nationals in Denver, CO, and 2022 BHCA Nationals Show Chair in Rockford, IL.
I have served numerous BHCA committee positions including webmaster, tellers, nominating, guidelines and judges’ education. I have served as BHCA President, 1 st VP, Director and Recording Secretary. I have attended every Nationals, except one, since 1998. I was awarded BHCA life membership in 2022. I have enjoyed serving on the BHCA Judges Education Committee. Several times a year I am the presenter at Basset Hound seminars and workshops for new breed judges. I have had several articles published on judging our breed.
We have been involved with basset rescue for 20+ years. Sharon was Operations Director and I was Treasurer of North Texas Basset Hound Rescue. I worked with an attorney to set up the charter and bylaws. Shortly after that, the group received their 501-c3 status. We currently support the activities of NTBHR.
I am currently approved by the AKC to judge Bassets and 16 other hound breeds. I have had the privileges of judging bitches at the 2011 Nationals, BOB at the 2018 Nationals, Futurity/Maturity at the 2019 Nationals, many specialties throughout the U.S., as well as New Zealand, the UK and Australia.
Professionally, I spent my entire career in the computer industry. Prior to my retirement in 2006, I spent 14 years with Tuesday Morning, an 800+ discount store chain, as Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer.
Currently Sharon and I are involved with the Abilene Kennel Club, our local all-breed club. I am currently Treasurer and also Show Chair.
The 4-H clubs of Taylor County have started a dog project and we’re working with the kids and their dogs. It’s something we enjoy doing and a way of giving back to our sport.